‘Georgia Is Our Laboratory’: Inside Trump’s Plan to Rig 2024

‘Georgia Is Our Laboratory’: Inside Trump’s Plan to Rig 2024

Team Trump sees Georgia as ‘a road map’ for putting Trump’s heads-I-win-tails-you-lose philosophy of elections into practice


Adam Rawnsley, Asawin Suebsaeng

Jun 8, 2024 10:00 am

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - MAY 21: Former U.S. President Donald Trump sits in the courtroom for his trial for allegedly covering up hush money payments at Manhattan Criminal Court on May 21, 2024 in New York City. Trump was charged with 34 counts of falsifying business records last year, which prosecutors say was an effort to hide a potential sex scandal, both before and after the 2016 presidential election. Trump is the first former U.S. president to face trial on criminal charges. (Photo by Mark Peterson - Pool/Getty Images)

The article you are about to read appeared over a week ago…and I wanted to publish the entire article immediately, but refrained, thinking maybe only excepts should be published for legal reasons. Although I tried, it was difficult leaving anything out. Therefore, the decision was made to publish the entire article because it concerns MY STATE!

Donald Trump is a convicted FELON. What kind of political party chooses a CONVICTED FELON to lead the party? What else does one need to know about any party that is led by a CONVICTED FELON, especially when that CONVICTED FELON acts like a person with mental illness. Prior to the 2016 election between the Trumpster and Hillary Clinton, the former candidate asked the nefarious Russians for help, which was given. One would think asking a foreign government for help in an election to choose a POTUS would be illegal, yet there was the Trumpster doing just that:

It is Kafkaesque.

‘Back in the day’ my parents generation, often called the Greatest Generation, and also called the “World War II” generation, had much trouble with the changes occurring during the 1960s. They became Republicans because they did not like or want change. Unfortunately for those conservative types, life is change. Therefore, I have always thought change must be embraced because it cannot be stopped.

There is a war being fought out for the future of the United States of America, and my state, Georgia, is obviously a battleground state in the crosshairs.

During the 1960s the Vietnam “conflict” raged. Each and every night the television news readers gave We The People the “body count.” That would be the number of Americans killed that day. Fast forward to today and the body count is still being given, only it is not soldiers dying on the field of battle, but We The People being BLOWN AWAY by GUNS right here in the USA. The Republicans wanted everyone in America to own a weapon and now each day the news bring word of exactly how many citizens died via gun the previous day… and the drip, drip, drip of DEATH never ends, because We The People are ARMED TO THE TEETH.

The article:

The presidential election this year will come down to seven states — but there’s one that Donald Trump and his most committed lieutenants see as a blueprint for corrupting future local and national elections: Georgia.

The Peach State is unique — it’s the sole battleground state in which the Republican Party has total control over the levers of power: a trifecta in the state House, Senate, and governorship. Over the past four years, Trump-loving elements of the Georgia GOP have wielded that advantage in a crusade to convert discredited election-conspiracy theories into policies well ahead of Election Day 2024. It is an alarmingly anti-democratic experiment that Trumpland and much of the GOP hope to take national. 

“Georgia is our laboratory,” a source close to the former president tells Rolling Stone. “If you can get this up and running in Georgia, you get a road map for other states, maybe the country as a whole.”

In 2020, top Georgia Republicans such as Gov. Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger managed to block Trump’s attempts to illegally overturn the election results. Kemp earned Trump’s fury by refusing to use what the then-president called “emergency powers” to stop the certification of Joe Biden’s victory. In an infamous January 2021 phone call that helped lead to Trump’s indictment in Fulton County, Raffensperger rebuffed the president’s demands to “find” him votes. Kemp and Raffensperger both won handily in their 2022 reelection runs.

But ever since President Biden’s inauguration, conservative activists and policymakers in Georgia have tried to bypass Raffensperger and worked diligently to turn Trump’s heads-I-win-tails-you-lose philosophy of elections into public policy. 

As Trump has continued to lie that the 2020 election was “stolen” and “rigged” , the former president and his supporters have been making concrete, step-by-step progress in shaping electoral processes to his benefit. Across the state, MAGA die-hards are devoting considerable resources to purging voter rolls, intimidating election officials, employing legal dirty tricks, and ousting Republican officials and election appointees who haven’t been initiated into the cult of Trump.

Republican operatives have remade Georgia’s state election board, executive branch, Legislature, and legal ecosystems, all in Donald Trump’s image. Conservatives in the state Assembly have unleashed thousands of voter eligibility challenges on county election boards — an effort that will be turbocharged with a new election law. Lawmakers also worked to limit Raffensperger’s role in overseeing elections, while sapping resources for election administration.

Conservative activists heckle election officials on a regular basis with the conspiracy theories Trump birthed, and an indicted election denier — now the state’s lieutenant governor — pushes Trump’s agenda in the Assembly as he eyes higher office. Trump sits atop this sprawling network, receiving updates on progress from political advisers and other MAGA acolytes.

Lawyers close to Trump are already preparing for the former president to claim fraud in Georgia and challenge the results of the election — even in the event that he wins — just to prove a point about imaginary “fraud” in Democratic areas. “There’s massive fraud, so that should be … solved, no matter who wins in Georgia or any state,” says one lawyer and conservative-movementarian who has discussed the matter with Trump, although they present no evidence to back such claims. “You can’t let the left get away with it just because their cheating did not work.”

None of this may be necessary. If the election were held today, polls suggest Trump would win Georgia outright. But to the Trump faithful, that is almost beside the point. In the past four years, Trump and his allies have been doing everything they can to make sure that a Republican defeat in Georgia simply cannot happen again — and to entrench a permanent GOP majority in a deeply divided state.

It’s happening throughout the country: Nearly every leader who matters in various state GOPs, the national Republican Party, and within the conservative movement is playing part in a well-funded, coordinated attempt to corrupt American elections in a way so transparently cynical, so authoritarian, that it makes the right’s “voter fraud” crackdowns of the pre-Trump era look like a flicker of intellectual calm by comparison.

In Georgia, with Election Day just months away, the effects of these Trump-backed initiatives can be felt in every corner of the state’s political environment, from the governor’s mansion to the local election officials increasingly facing threats and intimidation, all the way down to the everyday residents who are forced by conservative activists to defend their right to vote. 

An audio recording of former President Donald Trump speaking to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger is played during a hearing of the House Select Committee in 2022. Kent Nishimura/”Los Angeles Times”/Getty Images

“The effort to suppress the vote in Georgia happens year-round, and the countereffort needs to be equally, if not more, robust,” says Saira Draper, a Democratic state representative who worked on voter-protection issues for the Biden campaign in 2020. “Instead of investing in voter protection only in big election years, Democrats need to be at the forefront of defending democracy every day, and for every election.” 

With both the Biden and Trump presidential campaigns privately bracing for an extraordinarily close election in November — and a possible protracted legal battle in the aftermath — any minor change at the margins on either side could help make the difference between a Trump victory or loss in the state. And Trump and Georgia Republicans have made it abundantly clear they aren’t willing to leave the electoral outcome up to chance. 

“Everybody is gearing up for full-blown warfare,” says a Republican source close to Trump who has worked on “election integrity” efforts. “The campaign, the RNC, everyone is going to be fighting Biden’s team over every single inch, and each bit of process.”

IN THE WAKE of Trump’s loss and record-breaking voter turnout in 2020, Republicans enacted a series of sweeping laws to suppress the vote. 

SB 202, the “Election Integrity Act,” passed in 2021, restricted early voting and ballot drop boxes and limited mail-in-ballots. It also made it illegal to provide water or food to people waiting in line to vote. And it limited the secretary of state’s role on the state election board — a move to punish Raffensperger. Despite the bad blood between Trump and Kemp, the Georgia governor signed the bill, dubbed “Jim Crow in the 21st century ” by Biden, into law.

Perhaps most important, the law massively expanded the number of challenges that activists can file contesting the validity of voter registrations in their county — opening up more voters to pernicious nuisance challenges to their right to vote. MAGA activists have flooded the state with tens of thousands of baseless voter-eligibility claims.

Everybody is gearing up for full-blown warfare.
—Republican source close to Trump

One Fulton County resident had her voter registration challenged by a third party on the suspicion that she had listed an invalid address, despite living at the same home since 2011. Atlanta’s mayor and city council moved unanimously in 2018 to change the name of her street, as part of an effort to rid the city of its Confederate iconography. Thanks to Georgia Republicans, that street-name change was used as a rationale to try to disenfranchise her.

“I just feel like this is a waste of my time and also my kids’ time,” she told county officials at a 2023 hearing. “I’m here when I have other things to do,” she said. “I have a job.”

Many challengers rely on data from a website known as VoteRef. The site is a subsidiary of Restoration Action Inc., an election-denial group backed by the billionaire Trump donor and cardboard-box magnate Richard Uihlein.

VoteRef purports to offer a user-friendly interface for aggregated government voter-registration data. But Kristin Nabers, the state director for the nonprofit voting-rights group All Voting Is Local, says the site “is using a voter roll for Georgia from November 2022. It’s a year-and-a-half-old voter roll that is massively out of date. The secretary of state did a list cleanup in 2023, none of which is reflected on VoteRef. These sites are just not reliable.”

The wave of voter challenges has been exacerbated by new rules in how the state funds its elections. For years, election officials in Georgia and around the country have benefited from grants and donations from private foundations. Now, just as county election boards grapple with the overwhelming weight of mass challenges, officials will have fewer resources available to manage them. Last year, Republicans made Georgia one of the first states to ban private charitable contributions for election administration in 2024. 

The move was part of a nationwide campaign by MAGA activists to block those donations, which they call “Zuckerbucks,” based on the prominent role of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg in funding nonpartisan election-support charities. “I consider Facebook to be an enemy of the people” for Zuckerberg’s role in funding election-administration charities, Trump told CNBC in March. 

County election boards have dismissed most of the challenges resulting from SB 202. However, a Republican law that Kemp signed in early May offers new guidance to county election boards, and could lead to more voter-registration challenges being upheld on thin evidence before the 2024 election.

Under the National Voter Registration Act, states are required to finish cleaning their voter rolls 90 days before federal elections. The new Georgia law, however, sets its moratorium on registration challenges at 45 days before an election — which some experts argue is a violation of the NVRA. 

“The 45-day quiet period is trying to bypass the 90-day quiet period the NVRA has. You don’t have a quiet period unless what you’re trying to do is list maintenance under another name. That gives away the game right there,” one Georgia election official says. The official adds that with the new law, “if a voter gets caught up in a challenge, they are never going to get the opportunity to reregister if they were inappropriately removed.”

To the former president, however, these voter-suppression laws do not go far enough. During his time out of office, Trump has noted to close advisers that while the state’s voting overhaul does “some nice things,” the changes won’t matter unless, in Trump’s words, “you get the fucking RINOs out of the way,” according to a source with direct knowledge of the ex-president’s opinions on the matter.

AS REPUBLICANS HAVE overloaded local election boards with frivolous voter challenges, they have also worked to reshape the state board overseeing elections — and make it more MAGA.

Trump has played a key role here, behind the scenes. Ed Lindsey, a Republican member of the state election board, landed in the former president’s crosshairs after he opposed an end to no-excuse mail-in voting, which allows registered voters to submit their ballot by mail without providing a reason.

In recent months, Trump spent time calling Georgia lawmakers and fellow MAGA hard-liners in the state to ask them about Lindsey and to demand that he be shown the door, somehow. “He’s got to go,” Trump said privately, noting Lindsey’s position on the “very important” election board, according to two sources familiar with the matter.

Lindsey’s vote against recommending that the Legislature curb voting by mail was just one in a series of moves that infuriated the MAGA activists who have become influential in the state party. He also took a hard line on the bogus claims of election fraud made by the conspiracy nonprofit True the Vote, which recently had to admit in federal court that it had no evidence for voter-fraud claims it had put before the board of elections.

Lindsey’s principles did not sit well with the MAGA movement, which sprang into action. The DeKalb County Republican Party demanded Lindsey’s resignation, claiming newfound conflicts of interest on his part. That position was echoed by a host of conservative media outlets and at least one think tank with ties to Trump.

The final straw came in May. At a meeting of the state election board, Lindsey refused to join calls for the Georgia attorney general to investigate Fulton County’s audit of the 2020 election — long a rallying cry for election deniers

On May 15, the far-right activists got their wish when Lindsey abruptly resigned his post on the state election board. Republican state House Speaker Jon Burns announced that he would replace Lindsey with Janelle King, a Republican media pundit in Georgia who supported Trump in 2020 and said on her podcast that she is “against no-excuse” voting by mail.

Lindsey, a holdover appointment from the previous speaker, had already served a term on the board and expressed a willingness to continue serving throughout the 2024 election, or until Burns found a replacement for him, according to a copy of his resignation letter obtained by Rolling Stone.

In the letter to Burns, which came shortly after the contentious May election-board meeting, Lindsey indicated that the speaker prompted his exit: “In our talk yesterday, you informed me that you have found someone to appoint and wish to do so this week.”

In an email to friends and colleagues announcing his departure, also obtained by Rolling Stone, Lindsey revealed the pressure the state’s election officials will face, including from conspiracy theorists, in the upcoming election. “Together they must not only be strong and diligent enough to root out those who wish to cheat the system through fraud or suppression, but also wise and judicious enough to identify, expose, and call out others who cynically spread false claims of the same for cheap personal or partisan gain,” he wrote.

Donald J. Trump, in 2020, listens as Atlanta small business owner Janelle King delivers remarks during the ‘Rebuilding of AmericaOs Infrastructure: Faster, Better, Stronger’ event. Storms Media Group/Alamy

The move to implement a more MAGA elections agenda in Georgia has been a bottom-up process as well as a top-down one. Across the state, conspiracy theorists have begun to populate the ranks of election boards in places like Spalding County, giving Trump’s election lies a more powerful constituency than they enjoyed in 2020.

“The MAGA movement will be set for life if Donald Trump and the party can purge the RINOs from Georgia,” says the Republican source close to Trump. “In the last [presidential] election, there were too many establishment Republicans standing in the way. They are why Georgia fell to Joe Biden.… If we beat them back there, which we couldn’t in 2022, you’re clearing out the losers who want to go back to the party of Bush or McCain.”

Deep within Trumpworld, preliminary planning is underway, spearheaded by attorneys and others close to the former president, to challenge the results and supposed fraud in Georgia’s Democratic strongholds. Already, at least a handful of influential Republicans in Georgia have moved in a similar direction. In the state’s November 2023 elections, four Republican board members on three Georgia county-election boards refused to certify the results of the elections, citing concerns about voting machines, reminiscent of Trump’s lies in 2020. 

During Georgia’s presidential primary in March, Fulton County Republican Board of Elections member Julie Adams refused to certify the results of a primary contest that Trump won without question. In May, Adams sued the board with help from lawyers at the Trump-connected nonprofit America First Policy Institute — seeking judicial backing for her claims that Board of Elections members have the authority to deny the certification of election results. 

Democrats see Adams’ move as part of a pattern. “The MAGA Republicans have made it clear they are planning to try to block certification of November’s election, and this is a transparent attempt to set the stage for that fight,” the Georgia Democratic Party said in a statement responding to Adams’ suit.

TRUMP’S YEARS-LONG election-denial campaign has unleashed a darker tide of threats toward election officials. 

The intimidation of election workers has grown to such a peak that the Justice Department had to create a special Election Threats Task Force to prosecute what Attorney General Merrick Garland earlier this year called “a deeply disturbing spike in threats against those who serve the public.”

In January, Gabriel Sterling, a Republican and the chief operating officer in Raffensperger’s office, was the victim of a “swatting” call — an attempt to trick armed police into rushing a victim’s home on false pretenses. Around the same time, Georgia’s state assembly received a bomb threat.

The secretary of state’s office has had to prepare for a range of different security contingencies as the 2024 election gets closer. “Interest gets elevated, as do emotions, so that is something that we are assessing,” Raffensperger tells Rolling Stone

His office has set up regular meetings with county election officials and law enforcement to carry out tabletop exercises examining a host of different potential threats, some of them fairly exotic.

“Someone sent a fentanyl-laced letter several months ago to Fulton County,” Raffensperger says. The attack targeted election officials in Georgia and Washington state.

“Within days of that happening, we worked with state public health and we were able to get Narcan to all 109 counties and do a training session for everybody who was at our big state conference,” explains Sterling. “We had public health come and do training on that for about 45 minutes, and we distributed it all.”

For Sara Tindall Ghazal, the Georgia state election board’s lone Democrat, the prospects of violence and intimidation loom heavy. “I am worried about more-aggressive voter-intimidation efforts,” she says. “I am worried about people getting in the back of a truck with AR-15s and giant flags, and driving past polling places.”

Tindall Ghazal, who is battling cancer, recounts how she had to reach out to police “after a pointed email talking about treason and the death penalty” landed in her inbox. 

“I had police patrol in front of my house before a particularly controversial meeting,” Tindall Ghazal says. At the time, the state election board was convening to consider a push by Republicans in the state Assembly to give the body the authority to investigate Raf­fensperger over his handling of the 2020 election.

At another meeting, Tindall Ghazal tried to explain that voters had already reelected Raffensperger by a commanding majority in 2022. The crowd erupted in shouts of denunciation. 

“I am the one person who they literally yell at in meetings. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve had to stop speaking because I’m getting yelled over,” she says. “Any time I talk about the fact that the 2020 election was legitimate, they just start yelling,” she says.

Burt Jones, Republican candidate for Lieutenant Governor speaks as Republican Governor Brian Kemp listens at a press conference 2022, in Atlanta. Elijah Nouvelage/Getty Images

FOR TRUMP AND HIS FOLLOWERS, the right’s multipronged offensive to influence Georgia’s election process isn’t just about 2024. 

Since last year, Trump has regularly asked confidants whether Georgia’s Republican Lt. Gov. Burt Jones would make a good governor. A hard-line MAGA conservative, Jones served as one of Trump’s fake electors in Georgia during the then-president’s endeavor to overturn the 2020 election results. The day before the Jan. 6 riot, Jones was in Washington, D.C., trying to convince Vice President Mike Pence to go along with Trump’s coup plot. 

Jones’ efforts earned him scrutiny from state law enforcement. In April, a special prosecutor was appointed to probe his role in the 2020 Georgia election-subversion scheme.

In Trump’s private discussions of Jones, he likes to note that Jones is “very loyal,” and has frequently suggested that Jones would be a “strong” leader for Georgia, two people familiar with the situation say. 

As lieutenant governor, Jones replaced a Republican critical of Trump. Now, Jones is aiming for higher office. There’s no guarantee that Jones secures a Trump endorsement, much less the Republican nomination. But the election of an indicted election denier to the state’s highest office would represent a stunning and four-year-belated victory for the MAGA movement. And for a thoroughly Trumpified GOP, that’s the goal.

“It is Donald Trump’s party,” says a GOP source close to Trump. “Every conservative state is gonna act like it, and there’s nowhere more important for winning that battle than Georgia.” 


Georgia’s High Noon Hot Mess

Earlier today I noticed, and read, an opinion piece in the New York Times:

Brian Kemp defeated Stacey Abrams in the election to decide the next Governor of the Great State of Georgia, the state of my birth. He ‘won’ the election in 2018 the ‘old fashioned way’ by disfranchising certain segments of society, namely those who would most probably not vote for him, or any republican, for that matter. He could do this because he was the Secretary of State. Former POTUS and Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter implored the Kempster to not eradicate potential voters from the voting register, but the Kempster ignored Jimmy. Unfortunately, the Kempster again defeated Ms Abrams in the next election for the office of Governor of Georgia. Now one reads about his possible future in national politics. The Kempster is BIG on

During the first election for Governor in 2018 the Kempster ran an ad in the media featuring him pointing a shotgun at the boyfriend of one of his daughters which created a media firestorm, which may have been the ‘point’…

When young my father and cousin Nick took me along on a fishing trip. They left me near a small store and were across the lake fishing when I noticed a gun, which turned out to be a shotgun, on the ground near the lake. There was nobody around, so I walked over, put my finger into the trigger, and squeezed. The shotgun went backward at an extremely fast rate of speed, and a plethora of pellets hit the lake…kinda like shit hitting the fan, so to speak. Men came running out of the store and my father and cousin Nick began paddling as fast as possible. The small fishing boat was coming right at me. What could I do other than wait to be yelled and screamed at by my father? Fortunately, that did not happen. He was simply happy I was alive. Cousin Nick gave me a lesson about guns I have never forgotten. Rule number one was to, “NEVER, EVER, POINT ANY GUN AT ANOTHER HUMAN BEING!” After asking if it would be OK to point an unloaded gun at anyone cousin Nick said, “HELL NO! How would you know if’n it was loaded or not?” Nick asked. “Guess you would hafta pull the trigger,” I said. Cousin Nick laughed uproariously prior to saying, “Yeah, like you just did!”

Would you go on a hunting trip with Brian Kemp?

If it seems like there is a mass shooting in the United States every day it is because: There have been more mass shootings in America than days in 2023 (https://abcnews.go.com/US/mass-shootings-days-2023-database-shows/story?id=96609874)


Republicans love their guns.


That is Lauren Opal Boebert, an American politician, businesswoman, and gun rights activist serving as the U.S. representative for Colorado’s 3rd congressional district. (https://boebert.house.gov/)

‘Back in the day’ the Old West was cleaned up and made livable when the cowboys had to leave their guns with the sheriff, as was the case in the Academy Award winning movie, Unforgiven.

Because of Republicans America is armed to the teeth, just like the wild west daze. They obvious want a return to the old ways and old days:


A Hot Mess in the Georgia Republican Party
By Michelle Cottle

Here’s a head scratcher for you: What happens when the leadership of a political party becomes so extreme, so out of touch with its voters, that it alienates many of its own activists and elected officials? And what happens when some of those officials set up a parallel infrastructure that lets them circumvent the party for campaign essentials such as fund-raising and voter turnout? At what point does this party become mostly a bastion of wingnuts, spiraling into chaos and irrelevance?

No need to waste time guessing. Just cast your eyes upon Georgia, one of the nation’s electoral battlegrounds, where the state Republican Party has gone so far down the MAGA rabbit hole that many of its officeholders — including Gov. Brian Kemp, who romped to re-election last year despite being targeted for removal by Donald Trump — are steering clear of it as if it’s their gassy grandpa at Sunday supper.

Republicans elsewhere should keep watch. Democrats too. What’s happening in Georgia is a cautionary tale for pluralism, an example of how the soul of a party can become warped and wrecked when its leadership veers toward narrow extremism. And while every state’s political dynamics are unique, a variation of the Peach State drama could be headed your way soon — if it hasn’t begun already.

The backstory: Some Republican incumbents took offense last year when the Georgia G.O.P.’s Trump-smitten chairman, David Shafer, backed Trump-preferred challengers in the primaries. (Mr. Trump, you will recall, was desperate to unseat several Republicans after they declined to help him steal the 2020 election.) Those challengers went down hard, and Mr. Kemp in particular emerged as a superhero to non-Trumpist Republicans. Even so, scars remain. “That’s a burn that’s hard to get over,” says Brian Robinson, a Republican strategist who served as an adviser to former Gov. Nathan Deal.

The clash also made clear that Republican candidates, or at least popular incumbents, don’t much need the party apparatus anymore. This is part of a broader trend: The clout of parties has long been on the slide because of changes in how campaigns are funded. That got turbocharged in Georgia in 2021, when its legislature, the General Assembly, passed a Kemp-backed bill allowing certain top officials (and their general-election challengers) to form leadership PACs, which can coordinate with candidates’ campaigns and accept megadonations free from pesky dollar limits.

The PAC Mr. Kemp set up, the Georgians First Leadership Committee, raked in gobs of cash and built a formidable voter data and turnout machine. The governor plans to use it to aid fellow Republicans, establishing himself as a power center independent of the state party.

As big-money conduits, leadership PACs can bring plenty of their own problems. But whatever their larger implications, in the current mess that is Georgia Republican politics, they also mean that elected leaders “don’t have to play nice in the sandbox with a group that is sometimes at odds with them,” says Mr. Robinson.

The governor says he will skip the state party’s convention in June, as will the state’s attorney general, its insurance commissioner and its secretary of state. At a February luncheon for his Georgians First PAC, Mr. Kemp basically told big donors not to waste their money on the party, saying that the midterms showed “we can no longer rely on the traditional party infrastructure to win in the future,” the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.

New party leadership is on the way. Mr. Shafer is not seeking another term. (Fun fact: He is under investigation for his role in the pro-Trump fake-elector scheme of 2020.) Party delegates will elect his successor at the upcoming state convention. But the problems run deeper. Republican critics say that the party culture has become steeped in the paranoid politics of MAGA and election denial. And in the current environment, “everyone must pledge their undying loyalty to Donald Trump above all else,” says Jay Morgan, who was an executive director of the state party in the 1980s and now runs a public affairs firm in Atlanta.

Mr. Shafer defends his tenure, noting in particular that, since he took over in 2019, the party has gone from being mired in debt to having “over $1 million in the bank.”

To be fair, the Georgia G.O.P. has a rich history of rocky relations with its governors. But the Trump era, which brought a wave of new grassroots activists and outsiders into party meetings, put the situation “on steroids,” says Martha Zoller, a Republican consultant and talk radio host.

“Right now, it’s largely a place disconnected from reality,” adds Cole Muzio, a Kemp ally and the president of Frontline Policy Action, a conservative advocacy group.

That seems unlikely to change any time soon, as some of the party’s more extreme elements gain influence. In recent months, leadership elections at the county and district levels have seen wins by candidates favored by the Georgia Republican Assembly, a coterie of ultraconservatives, plenty of whom are still harboring deep suspicions about the voting system.

One of the more colorful winners was Kandiss Taylor, the new chairwoman of the First Congressional District. A keen peddler of conspiracy nuttiness, Ms. Taylor ran for governor last year, proclaiming herself “the ONLY candidate bold enough to stand up to the Luciferian Cabal.” After winning just slightly more than 3 percent of the primary vote, she declared that the election results could not be trusted and refused to concede — an antidemocratic move straight from the Trump playbook. As a chairwoman, she is promising “big things” for her district. So southeast Georgia has that to look forward to.

Why should anyone care about the state of the Georgia G.O.P.? Well, what is happening in Georgia is unlikely to stay in Georgia — and has repercussions that go beyond the health and functionality of the Republican Party writ large. After election deniers failed to gain control of statewide offices across the nation in 2022, many of them refocused their efforts farther down the food chain. In February, The Associated Press detailed the push by some of these folks to become state party chairmen, who are typically chosen by die-hard activists. In Michigan, for instance, the state G.O.P. elevated the Trumpist conspiracy lover and failed secretary of state candidate Kristina Karamo to be its chairwoman.

MAGA zealots don’t simply present ideological concerns, though their politics do tend toward the fringes. Too many embraced the stop-the-steal fiction that the electoral system has been compromised by nefarious Democrats and must be “saved” by any means necessary. Letting them oversee any aspect of the electoral process seems like a poor idea.

If this development persists, Republicans more interested in the party’s future than in relitigating its past might want to look at how Kemp & Company have been trying to address their intraparty problems — and what more could and should be done to insulate not only the party’s less-extreme candidates, but also the democratic system, from these fringe forces. There are risks that come with ticking off election deniers and other Trumpian dead-enders. But the greater risk to the overall party, and the nation, would be declining to do so.

Make The Trump World Go Away

A new article, How to Make Trump Go Away, by Frank Luntz, who is “…a focus group moderator, pollster, professor and communications strategist who worked for Republican candidates in previous elections,” is in the New York Times today. It is a ‘wordy’ article, which is summed up nicely in only one sentence, the last one, which is frightening, to say the least: “Republicans want just about everything Mr. Trump did, without everything Mr. Trump is or says.”

Heaven Help Us All

Marjorie Taylor Greene is running for re-election for the state’s 14th Congressional district of the Great State of Georgia and she is expected to win., which should tell you much about the 14th Congressional district she represents. To many Georgians, including this one, she is an embarrassment. Her usual countenance is that of someone who is mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore.

This writer has only just now finished reading the article being presented in its entirety. The writer of the article is “Maureen Dowd, winner of the 1999 Pulitzer Prize for distinguished commentary and author of three New York Times best sellers, became an Op-Ed columnist in 1995.

WASHINGTON — Are we ready for our new Republican overlords?

Are we ready for an empowered Marjorie Taylor Greene?

Are we ready for a pumped-up, pistol-packing Lauren Boebert?

“How many AR-15s do you think Jesus would have had?” Boebert asked a crowd at a Christian campaign event in June. I’m going with none, honestly, but her answer was, “Well, he didn’t have enough to keep his government from killing him.”

The Denver Post pleaded: “We beg voters in western and southern Colorado not to give Rep. Lauren Boebert their vote.”

The freshman representative has recently been predicting happily that we’re in the end times, “the last of the last days.” If Lauren Boebert is in charge, we may want to be in the end times. I’m feeling not so Rapturous about the prospect.

And then there’s the future first female president, Kari Lake, who lulls you into believing, with her mellifluous voice, statements that seem to emanate from Lucifer. She’s dangerous because, like Donald Trump, she has real skills from her years in TV. And she really believes this stuff, unlike Trump and Kevin McCarthy, who are faking it.

As Cecily Strong said on “Saturday Night Live” last weekend, embodying Lake, “If the people of Arizona elect me, I’ll make sure they never have to vote ever again.”

Speaking of “Paradise Lost,” how about Ron DeSantis? The governor of Florida, who’s running for a second term, is airing an ad that suggests that he was literally anointed by God to fight Democrats. God almighty, that’s some high-level endorsement.

Republicans seem to be surging heading into November, with Democrats struggling to break through, as voters turn their focus from abortion to crime and inflation. Even if the polls are as off, as pollsters fear, all signs seem to be pointing toward a strong showing for the G.O.P.

For months now, Times Opinion has been covering how we got here. Chloe Maxmin and Canyon Woodward argued that Democrats abandoned rural America. Alec MacGillis traced how the party ignored the economic decline of the Midwest. And Michelle Cottle described the innovative Republican ground game in South Texas.

Opinion has also been identifying the candidates who could define the future of their party. Sam Adler-Bell captured the bleak nationalism of Blake Masters, the Arizona Republican challenging Senator Mark Kelly. Christopher Caldwell described the transformation of J.D. Vance, the venture capitalist from Ohio who went from Trump critic to proud member of the MAGA faithful. Michelle Goldberg traveled to Washington state to profile Joe Kent, a burgeoning star on the right.

And throughout this election cycle, Opinion has held discussions with groups of experts – hosted by Frank Bruni, Ross Douthat and others – that have followed the season’s twists and turns, from reviewing the primary landscape to a Democratic backlash against the Dobbs decision which gave way to a Republican surge in the fall. And we paused to consider the mysteries of polls and the politically homeless along the way.

Much to our national shame, it looks like these over-the-top and way, way, way out-of-the mainstream Republicans — and the formerly normie and now creepy Republicans who have bent the knee to the wackos out of political expediency — are going to be running the House, maybe the Senate and certainly some states, perhaps even some that Joe Biden won two years ago.

And it looks as if Kevin McCarthy will finally realize his goal of becoming speaker, but when he speaks, it will be Marjorie Taylor Greene, Jim Jordan and Lauren Boebert doing the spewing. It will be like the devil growling through Linda Blair in “The Exorcist” — except it will be our heads spinning.

Welcome to a rogue’s gallery of crazy: Clay Higgins, who’s spouting conspiracy theories about Paul Pelosi, wants to run the House Homeland Security Committee; Paul Gosar, whose own family has begged Arizonans to eject him from Congress, will be persona grata in the new majority.

In North Carolina, Bo Hines, a Republican candidate for the House, wants community panels to decide whether rape victims are able to get abortions or not. He’s building on Dr. Oz’s dictum that local politicians should help make that call. Even Oprah turned on her creation, Dr. Odd.

J.D. Vance, the Yale-educated, former Silicon Valley venture capitalist and author of “Hillbilly Elegy,” who called Trump “America’s Hitler” in 2016, before saluting him to gain public office, could join the Senate in January. Talk about American Elegy.

Even though he wrote in his best seller that Yale Law School was his “dream school,” he now trashes the very system that birthed him. Last year, he gave a speech titled “The Universities Are the Enemy”: His mother-in-law is a provost at the University of California San Diego.

It’s disturbing to think of Vance side by side with Herschel Walker.

Walker was backed by Mitch McConnell, who countenanced an obviously troubled and flawed individual even if it meant degrading the once illustrious Senate chamber.

Overall, there are nearly 300 election deniers on the ballot, but they will be all too happy to accept the results if they win.

People voting for these crazies think they’re punishing Biden, Barack Obama and the Democrats. They’re really punishing themselves.

These extreme Republicans don’t have a plan. Their only idea is to get in, make trouble for President Biden, drag Hunter into the dock, start a bunch of stupid investigations, shut down the government, abandon Ukraine and hold the debt limit hostage.

Democrats are partly to blame. They haven’t explained how they plan to get a grip on the things people are worried about: crime and inflation. Voters weren’t hearing what they needed to hear from Biden, who felt morally obligated to talk about the threat to democracy, even though that’s not what people are voting on.

As it turns out, a woman’s right to control her body has been overshadowed by uneasiness over safety and economic security.

To top it off, Trump is promising a return. We’ll see if DeSantis really is the chosen one. In Iowa on Thursday night, Trump urged the crowd to “crush the communists” at the ballot box and said that he was “very, very, very” close to deciding to “do it again.”

Trump, the modern Pandora, released the evil spirits swirling around us — racism, antisemitism, violence, hatred, conspiracy theories, and Trump mini-mes who should be nowhere near the levers of power.

Heaven help us.

Lock Kelly Loeffler Up!

Two United States Senators, Richard Burr, from North Carolina, and Kelly Loeffler, from Georgia, both Republicans, have been caught with their hands in the proverbial cookie jar. Excerpts from an article written by The Editorial Board of the New York Times follow, with a focus on Senator Loeffler. Loeffler was appointed to the seat vacated by Johnny Isakson by the Republican Governor, Brian Kemp. Kemp obtained office by thwarting eligible voters from voting, even when called on to resign his position as Georgia’s Secretary Of State. It is the Secretary of State who controls voting, proving it’s not just who votes, but who counts the vote. (https://whowhatwhy.org/2018/11/02/its-not-just-who-votes-its-who-counts-the-votes/)
In Georgia, as in much of the South, this has just been ‘business as usual’. The woman has no background in government. Her only qualification is MONEY! I cannot help but wonder what it cost the woman to become US Senator? When the COVID-19 virus runs its course this will change because the volcano is rumbling as I write.

Kelly Loeffler should have already resigned the office of US Senator. Since she has not resigned, the woman should resign IMMEDIATELY! Read on and you will understand why…


Kemp taps Kelly Loeffler, financial exec, to US Senate seat (https://www.ajc.com/news/state–regional-govt–politics/breaking-kemp-taps-kelly-loeffler-financial-exec-senate-seat/cKraGpntwpFivAz0kYPFkL/)

Did Richard Burr and Kelly Loeffler Profit From the Pandemic?

At least two senators engaged in suspiciously timed stock sales. All stock trades by members of Congress should be barred.

By The Editorial Board

March 20, 2020

Crisis often brings out the best in a people. As the coronavirus spreads its devastation, countless Americans are stepping up to perform acts of heroism and compassion, both great and small, to aid their neighbors and their nation.

Then there are certain not-so-inspiring members of the United States Senate.

Richard Burr, Republican of North Carolina, and Kelly Loeffler, Republican of Georgia, are in the hot seat this week, facing questions about whether they misused their positions to shield their personal finances from the economic fallout of the pandemic, even as they misled the public about the severity of the crisis. According to analyses of their disclosure reports filed with the Senate, the lawmakers each unloaded major stock holdings during the same period they were receiving closed-door briefings about the looming pandemic.

These briefings were occurring when much of the public still had a poor grasp of the virus, in part because President Trump and many Republican officials were still publicly playing down the threat. Instead of raising their voices to prepare Americans for what was to come, Mr. Burr and Ms. Loeffler prioritized their stock portfolios, in a rank betrayal of the public trust — and possibly in violation of the law.

It is unclear precisely what information about the pandemic either Mr. Burr or Ms. Loeffler received in the briefings before their stock sales. But any use of nonpublic information in guiding such dealings would have been not only unethical but almost certainly illegal. Lawmakers and their aides are explicitly barred from using nonpublic information for trades by the STOCK Act of 2012 (the acronym stands for Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge). Mr. Burr of all people should know this, since he was one of only three senators to vote against the bill.

As chairman of the Intelligence Committee, Mr. Burr is privy to classified information about threats to America’s security. In February, his committee was receiving regular briefings about the coronavirus. He is also a member of the Health Committee, which, on Jan. 24, co-sponsored a private coronavirus briefing by top administration officials for all senators.

Ms. Loeffler, who also sits on the Health Committee, is in a similarly sticky situation. On the very day of the committee’s coronavirus briefing, she began her own stock sell-off, as originally reported by The Daily Beast. Over the next three weeks, she shed between $1,275,000 and $3.1 million worth of stock, much of it jointly owned with her husband, who is the chairman of the New York Stock Exchange. Of Ms. Loeffler’s 29 transactions, 27 were sales. One of her two purchases was of a technology company that provides teleworking software. That stock has appreciated in recent weeks, as so many companies have ordered employees to work from home.

Early Friday, Ms. Loeffler issued a statement asserting that neither she nor her husband is involved in managing her portfolio.

Even as she was shedding shares, Ms. Loeffler was talking down the threat of the coronavirus. “Democrats have dangerously and intentionally misled the American people on Coronavirus readiness,” she tweeted on Feb. 28, assuring the public that the president and his team “are doing a great job working to keep Americans healthy & safe.”

As anxiety spread, she talked up the economy. “Concerned about the #coronavirus?” she tweeted on March 10. “Remember this: The consumer is strong, the economy is strong & jobs are growing, which puts us in the best economic position to tackle #COVID19 & keep Americans safe.”

Faced with calls for his resignation from across the political spectrum, Mr. Burr on Friday issued a statement insisting that his stock sales had been based solely on public information and that he had asked the Senate Ethics Committee to “open a complete review of the matter with full transparency.”

There is pressure for Ms. Loeffler to step down as well, and the recent stock dealings of other senators are now being dissected — as well they should be.

One might have expected lawmakers to be more circumspect about even the appearance of self-dealing after what happened to the Republican Chris Collins, the former congressman from New York, who was sentenced to 26 months in prison earlier this year after pleading guilty to insider trading charges. While at a White House picnic in June 2017, Mr. Collins repeatedly called to alert his son that a small pharmaceutical company in which the family was deeply invested had failed a critical drug trial. Based on the not-yet-public information, Mr. Collins’s son unloaded his holdings in the company, avoiding hundreds of thousands of dollars in losses.

“What I’ve done has marked me for life,” Mr. Collins said tearfully at his sentencing hearing in January.

Apparently, more needs to be done to protect lawmakers from themselves. Last May, two Democratic senators, Jeff Merkley of Oregon and Sherrod Brown of Ohio, introduced legislation requiring members to place personal investments in a blind trust, or hold off on making any trades, during their time in office. They would also be prohibited from serving on corporate boards.

There may, of course, be perfectly reasonable explanations for what, initially, appears to be illegal — and morally reprehensible — behavior. Mr. Burr and Ms. Loeffler deserve the opportunity to provide those explanations. The Senate should initiate an ethics investigation of all accusations, and, if warranted, refer relevant findings for criminal prosecution

That said, explicit criminality aside, the real scandal here is the way in which these public servants misled an already anxious and confused public. In times of crisis, the American people need leaders who will rise to the occasion, not sink to their own mercenary interests.

Jimmy Carter Calls For Georgia Secretary Of State’s Resignation In Personal Plea


Sen. Kelly Loeffler denies allegations of insider trading


Potential conflicts of interest pose test for Kelly Loeffler, new Georgia senator


Sen. Kelly Loeffler Dumped Millions in Stock After Coronavirus Briefing



Dumpster Trumpster and Republican Scum

We take a break from the ongoing book review before the final installment appears, hopefully, soon.

After posting on October 29 I read the venerable New York Times the old fashioned way and had ink stains on my hands to prove it. I regularly read the Paul Krugman column as I have done for who knows how many years now. There was another op-ed on the opposite of the page, Trump Got Booed. Can I Smile? written by Jennifer Weiner. It begins, “Most weeks my Mondays unfold in a well-practiced routine: brush teeth, wash face, walk dog. This morning, I added a new step: spend 15 minutes scrolling through Twitter to see whether anyone had synced that delicious footage of President Trump’s face falling on Sunday — as the World Series crowd is booing him — with the R.E.M. song “Everybody Hurts.”

That particular song never entered my mind. The one that did enter my mind was published that day. I made a mental note to check out the lyrics to the song and finally got around to it today.

There was another applicable op-ed by one of the regular op-ed writers, Michelle Goldberg, titled, In Praise of ‘Human Scum’. I took it for granted it pertained to the scummy human currently residing in the Oval Office, located inside the White House. Donald Scumbag Trump called the People’s House, “A real dump.” (https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-the-white-house-is-a-real-dump) It was never a dump until Donald J. Dumpster entered the House. Michelle begins her op-ed:

“I’m often incredulous at Republican servility to Donald Trump. I’ve struggled to understand how people who’ve spent a lifetime chest-beating about patriotism can be so willing to burn liberal democracy to the ground to protect a man they wouldn’t trust to sell them a used car.”

Donald Dumpster is no aberration. The Dumpster Trumpster IS the personification of the Republican party. The Republican party has been circling the drain for decades. Donald PoppinJay Trump was the one who finally led the Republican party down the drain.

There should no longer be a Republican political party. The Republicans should be consigned to the Dumpster, never to see the light of day again in the way the German Nazi party was forced to hide, like roaches, in dark places. That is because Republicans are ‘Human Scumbags’ on their better days. On other days they are simply ‘scum’. I have come to think of Republicans as “scummy bears.” They continue to win elections by rigging the vote and making if as difficult as possible, if not impossible, for certain Americans to vote. Why would anyone who believes in democracy vote for any Republican? The only people who continue to vote for Republicans are the kind of people who would have felt comfortable at a Nazi rally listening to Adolph Hitler spew his vitriol. Keep the aliens; send the Republicans back, or to Hell, so they can stop hurting We The People.

Everybody Hurts

Produced by R.E.M. & Scott Litt
Album: Automatic for the People

[Verse 1]
When the day is long
And the night, the night is yours alone
When you’re sure you’ve had enough
Of this life, well, hang on

Don’t let yourself go
‘Cause everybody cries
And everybody hurts

[Verse 2]
Sometimes everything is wrong
Now it’s time to sing along
When your day is night alone (Hold on, hold on)
If you feel like letting go (Hold on)
If you think you’ve had too much
Of this life, well, hang on

‘Cause everybody hurts
Take comfort in your friends
And everybody hurts

Don’t throw your hand
Oh, no
Don’t throw your hand
If you feel like you’re alone
No, no, no, you’re not alone

[Verse 3]
If you’re on your own in this life
The days and nights are long
When you think you’ve had too much
Of this life to hang on

Well, everybody hurts
Sometimes, everybody cries
And everybody hurts
And everybody hurts

So, hold on, hold on
Hold on, hold on
Hold on, hold on
Hold on, hold on
Everybody hurts
No, no, no, no, no, you’re not alone


Stacey Abrams vs Brian Kemp

Brian Kemp

is currently the Republican nominee for Governor of Georgia in 2018. In the Georgia Gubernatorial Republican Primary Election, 2018, Mr. Kemp finished second, with 154,913 votes, good enough for 25.5% of the vote.

Casey Cagle,

the current Lieutenant Governor of Georgia, finished first with 236,498, which was 39.0% of the vote. Things changed in the runoff between the two candidates as Mr. Kemp received 406,638 votes, or 69.45% of the vote, while Mr. Cagle received 178,877, which was only 30.55% of the votes cast.

What happened to Casey Cagle?

Portraits of a Casey Cagle collapse

By Isaac Sabetai

As soon as he announced his run in April 2017, the lieutenant governor became the Republican front-runner. He raised in excess of $11.5 million — more than double the man who beat him in the runoff, Brian Kemp — and amassed a long list of endorsements.

None of that mattered. Cagle won just 31 percent of the vote in a two-person runoff race. That was a drop of 8 points compared with his performance in a crowded primary election.

By Election Day, Cagle trailed with 44 percent of all early voters to 56 percent for Kemp. The fallout from a secret recording where Cagle admitted to supporting “bad public policy” to undercut a rival candidate and Donald Trump’s endorsement of Kemp had wiped him out.


Mr. Cagle was called a “reasonable Republican,” as if such a thing exists there days. Brian Kemp ran as a “politically incorrect conservative.” That is a quote, which can be found in this advertisement:

Much of Kemp’s success has been attributed to the above, and the one below:

Obviously, many of the Georgia Republicans liked what they saw, and heard.

Brian Kemp’s opponent for Governor of Georgia in 2018 will be Stacey Abrams.

Stacey Yvonne Abrams (born December 9, 1973) is an American politician, lawyer, romance novelist, and businesswoman who served as Minority Leader of the Georgia House of Representatives from 2011 to 2017.

“Though Abrams is widely considered an underdog, the possibility of her victory is real.”

The future election has garnered much media coverage the world over because Ms. Abrams is “…the first black woman in American history to win a major party gubernatorial nomination.” The whole world will be closely watching this election.

Can Stacey Abrams Turn Georgia Blue?

David Byler

Georgia is changing as the graph below from the article shows:

The next graph illustrate how much the state of Georgia has changed as most of the new people move into larger metropolitan areas:

Other articles of interest:



Stacey Abrams is in debt and much has been and will continue to be made of this fact by Republicans.

Stacey Abrams: I’m running for governor and am $200,000 in debt

Turner Cowles
Yahoo Finance July 26, 2018

Stacey Abrams is running for Governor in Georgia. She would be the first black woman to be elected governor of a state in American history if she were to win the election. But she faces some major roadblocks.

The office of governor was staunchly Democratic in Georgia until Sonny Perdue was elected in 2002. He was reelected in 2006 and was succeeded by another Republican, Gov. Nathan Deal, in 2010.

Abrams wrote an op-ed for Fortune in April, in which she argued her personal debt shouldn’t disqualify her from running for governor. She owes more than $227,000 in credit card debt, student loan debt and back taxes. She also owes $178,500 in real estate debt and $4,434 on a car loan (but since those are assets as well as debt, we haven’t included it in our breakdown of what she owes).

She isn’t alone. Millions of Americans are in debt. In fact, the total household debt in America is $13.2 trillion, according to the New York Fed, and balances are rising on most kinds of debt; credit cards were the only debt to see balances decline in the first quarter of 2018.

Higher profile politicians have struggled with debt, including former presidential hopeful Marco Rubio. When Rubio was first elected to the Florida legislature in 2000, he reported around $150,000 in student loan debt as well as $30,000 as assorted credit and retail debt, according to the New York Times.

The current Governor of Georgia is Nathan Deal,

(Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

or as I prefer to think of him, Nathan “Raw” Deal; or Nathan “Asleep at the Wheel” Deal, as he continued to sleep while Georgia suffered, grinding to a complete halt during a blizzard.

Georgia gov.: “We did not make preparations early enough”

Last Updated Jan 30, 2014 3:29 PM EST

ATLANTA — Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal took responsibility Thursday for the poor storm preparations that led to an epic traffic jam in Atlanta and forced drivers to abandon their cars or sleep in them overnight when a storm dumped a couple of inches of snow.

“Raw” Deal was over TWO MILLION DOLLARS in debt when he became Governor of Georgia.

A few years things had changed dramatically:

How Nathan Deal Became A Millionaire while Governor
by Alan Wood September 26, 2014

How Nathan Deal Became a Millionaire while Governor

Stacey Abrams owes about one tenth what “Raw” Deal owed when becoming Governor of Georgia.

After the last US Presidential election, in which the Trumpster was out voted by THREE MILLION VOTES nationally, Democratic Georgia Congressman John Lewis, who had his skull fractured while in the streets protesting “Jim Crow” laws in the South, has called Trump an “Illegitimate President.” Which begs the question, “Why did US citizens with dark pigmentation need to be out in the streets protesting for rights given to each and every citizen of the USA over one hundred after the war of Northern aggression?”).

Simply put, there are many people in Georgia (and the nation) who will NEVER vote for a person who is not white.

After the election I received an email from a former Chess player who exclaimed, “Look at the map. It’s almost all red!”

Although he had a point, I pointed out to him that most of that red area consisted of fewer people than the blue areas in and around the larger cities. This can be verified by reading this article:

Am Extremely Detailed Map of the 2016 Election

Bu Matthew Bloch; Larry Buchanan; Josh Katz; and Kevin Quealy

Once, the late Thomas P. “Tip” O’Neill, Jr., Speaker of the House of Representatives, told someone that, “All politics is local.” https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/politics/news/a36522/how-all-government-is-local-and-thats-how-it-dies/

I live in a small city surrounded by much farm land and other small cities. Franklin county is composed of almost 90% white and about 10% “Black, or African American,” according the the official US Census.

In the last Presidential election 7054 (83%) people voted for Putin’s Puppet; 1243 (15%) voted for Hillary Clinton.

I did not vote, not that it mattered. When young I voted. The Viet Nam “police action” (It was NOT a WAR!) was happening and my life was on the line. I used to decry the fact that “old people” with one foot in the grave were voting when voting is about the future, and those folks lived in the past. Now I am that old person and I still believe the citizens with their lives before them should make the choices which will affect the rest of their lives. The last time I voted my vote was given to my Mother, who was dying of cancer. The absentee vote did not arrive in time, so I told her I would vote for the candidate for whom she would have cast her ballot, which was Republican Bob “Dour” Dole. After voting for Bob I told my Mother the vote had been cast while holding my nose. She laughed.

Life Chess Master David Vest, the only man to hold both the title of Georgia Chess Champion, and Georgia Senior Chess Champion, was fond of asking, “Are we moving forward?” Republicans are fond of calling themselves “conservative.” They do not want change, and many wish to go back to what they call the “halcyon” days. If they had the choice to make many of them would return to an earlier time when there were water fountains for “White” and “Colored” people. I am old enough to recall the separate water fountains. I hope this country chooses to move forward in the next election cycle, and the one coming in 2020.

We Americans are the world, which is why America is called the “melting-pot.” If there is any hope for the world it is only the people who embrace change that hold any hope for the country and the world. I learned a long time ago that an old, rigid tree will crack and fall in a storm, while a younger, more flexible tree will bend with the wind, and remain upright after the wind abates. I have, therefore, tried to embrace change during the course of my life, because change is the way of life. The next election, and possibly the next one, will be called the “Year of the Woman.” That is change, and I have absolutely no problem with the change. Old white men have made a complete mess of things. Maybe it is time We The People acknowledge that fact and lend our support to the women. After all, they cannot be worse than the Trumpster.

The Quisling-in -Chief

A Quisling and His Enablers

By Paul Krugman

June 11, 2018

This is not a column about whether Donald Trump is a quisling — a politician who serves the interests of foreign masters at his own country’s expense. Any reasonable doubts about that reality were put to rest by the events of the past few days, when he defended Russia while attacking our closest allies.

We don’t know Trump’s motivation. Is it blackmail? Bribery? Or just a generalized sympathy for autocrats and hatred for democracy? And we may never find out: If he shuts down the Mueller investigation and Republicans retain control of Congress, the cover-up may hold indefinitely. But his actions tell the story.

As I said, however, this isn’t a column about Trump. It is, instead, about the people who are enabling his betrayal of America: the inner circle of officials and media personalities who are willing to back him up whatever he says or does, and the wider set of politicians — basically the entire Republican delegation in Congress — who have the power and constitutional obligation to stop what he’s doing, but won’t lift a finger in America’s defense.

It’s important to understand that the fight Trump is picking with our allies isn’t about any real conflict of interest — because they are not, in fact, doing the things he accuses them of doing. No, Canada and Europe aren’t imposing “massive tariffs” on U.S. goods: A vast majority of U.S. exports enter Canada tariff-free, and the average European tariff is only 3 percent. These are simple facts, not disputable issues.

So Trump is justifying his attempt to destroy the Western alliance by accusing our allies of misdeeds that exist only in his imagination.

The same thing may be said about his claim that Canada’s Justin Trudeau somehow betrayed him and undermined the Group of 7 summit meeting. In reality, Trudeau’s remarks at the end of the conference were restrained and conventional, simply asserting — as any normal leader would — that he would defend his nation’s interests. The Trump rage-tweet that followed was responding to an insult that, like those “massive tariffs,” exists only in his imagination.

But that’s Trump, a man whose presidency has been marked by around seven false statements per day in office. What about his officials?

Well, they have been acting like the courtiers in the old story about the emperor’s new clothes. (The emperor’s new hairpiece?) If the boss says something whose falsity is obvious to anyone with eyes to see, they’ll claim to believe his version.

So Larry Kudlow, the administration’s chief economist (actually “economist,” but that’s another story) went on TV to declare that Trudeau “stabbed us in the back.” Peter Navarro, the administration’s chief trade expert (“expert”) went even further, repeating the stab-in-the-back line and declaring that Trudeau faces a “special place in hell.”

Remember when people used to imagine that Trump would be restrained by officials who would put some check on his worst impulses? Maybe that happened for a few months, but at this point he’s entirely surrounded by sycophants who will tell him whatever he wants to hear.

Still, America isn’t a monarchy — not yet, anyway. Congress has the power to check a president who seems to be betraying his oath of office. It can even remove him; but short of impeachment, there are many ways members of Congress could act to constrain Trump and limit the damage he’s doing.

But Congress is controlled by Republicans. And their response to a president whose actions are manifestly not just un-American but anti-American has been … a few sad tweets from a handful of senators who are unhappy about Trump’s behavior but not willing to do anything real. Most Republicans haven’t even gone that far: They’re just silent.

Why are Republican politicians unwilling to discharge their constitutional responsibilities? Relatively few of them, one suspects, actually want a trade war, let alone a breakup of the Western alliance. And many of them, one also suspects, are well aware that a de facto foreign agent sits in the Oval Office. But they are immobilized by a combination of venality and cowardice.

On one side, tax cuts for the rich have become the overriding priority for the modern G.O.P., and Trump is giving them that, so they’re willing to let everything else slide.

On the other side, the party’s base really does love Trump, not for his policies, but for the performative cruelty he exhibits toward racial minorities and the way he sticks his thumb in the eyes of “elites.” So any Republican politician who takes a stand on behalf of what we used to think were fundamental American values is at high risk of losing his or her next primary. And as far as we can tell, there is not a single elected Republican willing to take that risk, no matter what Trump does.

What all this tells us is that the problem facing America runs much deeper than Trump’s personal awfulness. One of our two major parties appears to be hopelessly, irredeemably corrupt. And unless that party not only loses this year’s election but begins losing on a regular basis, America as we know it is finished.