Rudy Giuliani’s Donald Traitorump Tweet Goes Viral

If you are late to the party please click on the link below and be taken to a page created by an intrepid Arizona web designer:

Rudy Giuliani Twitter typo sparks anti-Trump protest website


Ian Hunter

Traitor, traitor, traitor, traitor

Traitor, you don’t know your mind
It says hi, you walk straight by
Missing person, you can’t take
A look in your book ’cause it makes you shake

Traitor, traitor, traitor, traitor

Traitor, you don’t ever change
Same mistakes, again and again
You’re so shallow, you try to get
Your feet in your mouth but they never get wet

Traitor, traitor, traitor, traitor

I gave you love, I gave you love, I gave you love
What’s the matter, ain’t that enough?
I gave you love, I gave you love
See you later, traitor

Traitor, traitor, traitor, traitor

You’re so clever, you can see
I’ve known all along you were hassling me
Tell those faces on your head
As far as I’m concerned, you’re dead

Traitor, traitor, traitor, traitor

I gave you love, I gave you love, I gave you love
What’s the matter, honey, ain’t that enough?
I gave you love, I gave you love
See you later, traitor

Traitor, traitor

She just hears what she wants to fill
She can’t help it, the girl can’t help it
Destroys her brain, she’s out of touch
Just what do you do that’s worth so much

She had to run, know what I mean?
You and your convenient dream
Did she hurt, you bet she hurt
She left me naked, she just lost her shirt

Ain’t no letter of revenge
Every line has got to end
You’re just one woman I can’t depend
See you later, traitor

Traitor, traitor, traitor, traitor
Traitor, traitor, traitor, traitor
Traitor, traitor, traitor, traitor

Trump Decides to Let It All Hang Out and Throw Junior Under the Bus

My off the record, on the QT and very hush-hush, confidential source in the Trump Administration, Deep Doo, reports that Team Trump, led by Rudy Giuliani,

agreed yesterday to a drastic change in defense strategy. Some wanted to go the Nixxonian route of a “Limited hang-out,” but were overruled. The prevaricator in charge decided to “Let it all hang out,” and admitted what most have known for a long time, that Donald Trump Jr. colluded with the Russians to steal the 2016 election, at not one, as had been the story, but two meetings at Trump Tower. Trump tweeted it was all, “…totally legal and done all the time in politics.” The Trumpster has a point. Consider this:

When a Candidate Conspired With a Foreign Power to Win An Election

It took decades to unravel Nixon’s sabotage of Vietnam peace talks. Now, the full story can be told.


August 06, 2017

George Will Confirms Nixon’s Vietnam Treason
Bob Fitrakis, Harvey Wasserman

Then there was Iran Contra…

New Reports Say 1980 Reagan Campaign Tried to Delay Hostage Release


Deep Doo also reports Team Trump decided to release theme music to go with the new “Let it all hang out” policy. One of the older members of the administration recalled a song from the 1960’s, a song originally done by Jonathan King. The original Top 30 UK smash Let It All Hang Out, was a hit all over Europe with sales of over a million.

The Don of the Trump Crime Family could not recall the song, saying, “That’s not the song I remember! Everyone knows I love Great England, but I’m trying to Make America Great Again. Find the American version!” When found the song was played, prompting the Trumpster to say, “Now you’re talking my language. I LOVE this version!”

Then a newer version by John Cougar Mellencamp was located and it was viewed:

After the viewing it was decided by the Don to use the earlier version, by the Hombres, as the “official” song to go with the new “Let it all hang out” policy.

On the MSNBC show A. M. Joy, Sunday morning attorney Ellie Mystal ( said, “I’m a father. I do not know what it takes to throw your own son under the bus on Twitter “cause you’re angry at nine o’clock in the morning.” This can be found around fourteen minutes into the program.

There have been reports of the Trump Crime Family turning on each other as the Mueller probe causes the walls to close in on the Trumpsters.

Trials of Donald Jr turn Russia scandal into another Trump family affair

Though the president is fiercely loyal to his children, some observers wonder if deepening and dangerous controversy might test such bonds to breaking point.

It was an unseasonably cool day in New York. At 1.50pm on 9 June, Hillary Clinton tweeted that Barack Obama was backing her for US president. Half an hour later, Donald Trump tweeted: “Obama just endorsed Crooked Hillary.” At 2.27pm, Clinton replied: “Delete your account”. It was the most retweeted post of her campaign.

Just before 4pm, several figures passed through the shiny marble atrium of Trump Tower and took the elevator up to the office of Donald Trump Jr on the 25th floor, one below that of his father. Among them was Natalia Veselnitskaya, a Russian lawyer, and Rinat Akhmetshin, a Russian American lobbyist and former Soviet military officer.

What passed between them remains a matter of uncertain recollections and international intrigue. The meeting was kept secret for more than a year. When news of it first emerged last Saturday, the world was provided with the first public evidence that Trump campaign officials met with Russians in an attempt to swing the election – the political crime of the century. A steady drip of damning details followed.

It also showed that a scandal frequently compared to Watergate goes right to the heart of the Trump family business. The president’s oldest son had handed investigators and journalists the much sought-after smoking gun. The president’s son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, also attended the meeting and failed to declare it. The president’s daughter, Ivanka, faces continued scrutiny over her own role in the White House.

Like everything else, Trump does not do nepotism by halves. His three sons and two daughters have been seen as a political asset – even Clinton once said during an otherwise rancorous presidential debate: “I respect his children. His children are incredibly able and devoted, and I think that says a lot about Donald.”

But recent events beg the question of whether they are becoming a liability. And, some ponder, is Trump certain to remain loyal to them, or would he throw his own son under the bus if it was politically expedient?

Donald Trump Jr is hawking a book. The Art of the Plea Deal, anyone?

By Arwa Mahdawi

The president’s son wants to make literature great again. But considering his legal troubles, I would not be surprised to find that his tome throws his dad under the bus

Wed 13 Jun 2018 01.00 EDT
Last modified on Wed 13 Jun 2018 05.59 EDT

It was obviously a matter of time before someone from the Trump Crime Family

was thrown under the bus. The only question seemed to be which Trumpster?

When asked what he thought about his father throwing him under the bus, the Junior Don said, “I am reminded of a line from a song by Iggy Pop and The Stooges.”

“The Departed”

Where is the life we started?
Yesterday’s a door opening for the departed.

The life of the party’s gone
The guests are still remained,
Know they’ll stay a little longer.

Party girls will soon get old,
Party boys will lie them.
Both the sexes soon grow cold
And tears caught to their eyes

Serious talks, no fun,
And when the lights go out
You feel like you wanna run.

Cause there’s no one here but us,
By the end of the game we all get thrown under the bus.

I can’t feel nothing real,
My lights are all burned out.
I can’t feel nothing real.

What is the point of friendship?
It’s nobody’s fault, but this nightlife is just a death trip.
You think you’re getting hot steel
But in the light of day everything’s a dirty deal.

And yesterday’s a door that’s opening for the departed
Yesterday’s a door that’s opening for the departed
So where is the life we started?
Where is the life we started?

There have been many twists and turns in the saga of the Trump Crime Family, but who would ever have guessed Donald Trump Junior listened to Iggy Pop? Maybe he just liked the movie?

Rudy Giuliani’s Brain Droppings

Rudy Giuliani, Bad Lawyer, May Have Just Spilled the Beans

Even Fox News wasn’t buying his attempt to clean up his own brain droppings.

By Jack Holmes
Jul 30, 2018

No one does Presidential Lawyering quite like Rudy Giuliani. The former mayor of New York, whose presence at Yankee games is no longer appreciated, attacked the credibility of another one-time Trumpian lawyer, Michael Cohen, last week. Except Giuliani used to praise Cohen’s honesty, and earlier in the week had done some lying himself. He also suggested there could be worse tapes than the one Cohen made public, in which he and the now-president discussed the payoff of a Playboy model in mafia-adjacent language. Giuliani also assured us that actual mob tapes are worse. So there’s that.

But today brought a new chapter in the Chronicles of Extreme Presidential Lawyering, as Rudy moved the goalposts in legendary fashion. Having contended forever that the president did not participate in any collusion with a hostile foreign power to sway a presidential election in his favor, Giuliani now declared that, forget all that, collusion isn’t a crime!

Anyway, the fun could only last so long. Giuliani must have realized he left some more brain droppings on the various television sets he’d visited early this morning, for he called up Fox News later in the day to announce that Actually, I Meant to Say There Was No Planning Meeting!

There is more, much more, to this article, which also includes a one minute film that will, no doubt, become an award winning film titled: C-O-L-L-U-S-I-O-N

Traitorous Trump Going Down

What more do you need to know about Trump?

Trump did it and he’s going down for a host of crimes, and some of them have nothing to do with Russia

Lucian K. Truscott IV

May 19, 2018

I’ve been “covering” the Trump story for over a year now, and I’m sick and tired of stacking up the details of his treachery day after day, week after week. What more do you need to know? He’s a lying, thieving, incompetent, ignorant traitor who conspired with the Russian government to steal the election of 2016 and illegally defeat a candidate who won the popular vote by nearly 3 million ballots. His presidency is illegitimate, and his occupation of the White House is a stain on our nation’s honor and a threat to our democracy. History will cast him into the same sewer in which float the putrid remains of Benedict Arnold, Jefferson Davis and Richard Nixon. Impeachment would be too kind an end for him. He belongs behind bars, broken, bankrupt and disgraced.

Every day the front pages of the newspapers and the headlines of the cable news shows are filled with evidence of Trump’s lies and thievery. Look at what happened this week alone.

Trump started out denying that he even knew Stormy Daniels, then he denied having a sexual relationship with her, then he said he didn’t know about any payoffs to her. Monday, he filed his required federal financial disclosure form in which he effectively admitted making the $130,000 payment to shut her up just before the election in 2016.

He did an about-face on trade restrictions on China, announcing that he would seek to help the Chinese communications giant ZTE, which paid a $1.2 billion fine last year for violating sanctions against trade with North Korea and Iran. Three days previously, China had issued a half-billion dollar loan to a development project in Singapore that includes Trump-branded hotels, golf courses and condos.

He opened the American embassy in Jerusalem, a move he had been warned would result in fighting and deaths in the Middle East — and sure enough, dozens of Palestinians were killed on the day the embassy opened during demonstrations in the Gaza Strip.

The Trump White House refused to apologize for a sick joke made about John McCain by one of his aides.

Trump’s former secretary of state gave a commencement speech at VMI in which he made repeated veiled criticisms of Trump’s lying and warned gravely “If our leaders seek to conceal the truth, or we as people become accepting of alternative realities that are no longer grounded in facts, then we as American citizens are on a pathway to relinquishing our freedom.”

Special Counsel Robert Mueller issued a subpoena to a former aide of Trump’s long-time consultant Roger Stone, who has admitted being in touch during the campaign of 2016 with a Russian intelligence agent involved in the hacking of the Democratic Party emails.

A major story in Buzzfeed on Thursday detailed work by Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen on a 100-story Trump skyscraper in Moscow during 2015 right through the Republican National Convention in 2016. It was revealed that Trump signed a “Letter of Intent” on the Moscow project on the day of the third Republican primary debate on Oct. 28, 2015, in Boulder, Colorado. ABC News reported last week that Trump has denied having deals in Russia “hundreds of times in the past 18 months.” Just before the inauguration in 2017, for example, Trump tweeted:

Russia has never tried to use leverage over me. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA – NO DEALS, NO LOANS, NO NOTHING!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 11, 2017

A Qatar deal was announced. The revelation follows a report that during the transition in 2016, a Qatari diplomat was asked by Trump lawyer Michael Cohen for a $1 million “fee” in return for arranging connections to the Trump family. The government of Qatar bought a $6.5 million apartment in Trump World Tower on the east side of Manhattan recently.

The news of last week was a perfect mix of lies, thievery, buffoonery and malice that have characterized the entirety of Trump’s presidency.

He promised to get rid of Obamacare “on day one.” He failed. Obamacare is alive and well and enjoyed record registrations last year.

His executive orders on everything from immigration to environmental regulations have ignored requirements for public comments and simple federal paperwork and face lawsuits from one end of the country to the other.

He claimed that “nobody has been tougher on Russia than I have.” He has refused to enact most of the sanctions on Russia passed by Congress.

He appointed a hatchet man who had sued the EPA over a dozen times to head up the agency and that man, Scott Pruitt, currently faces no less than 14 investigations of his tenure there, including allegations that he broke federal laws on office renovations and accepting gifts from lobbyists when he rented a room at below-market rates from a lobbyist with business before his agency.

Last week he claimed he raised military pay for “the first time in 10 years.” President Obama raised military pay in every year of his presidency.

Trump has claimed repeatedly that his White House “is running like a fine-tuned machine.” He filled it with wife beaters, worn-out Wall Street bucket shop shysters and half-baked neo-Nazi flacks. At this point, more than 40 top White House officials and aides have either resigned or been fired over the last 18 months. The place leaks like a shredded fish net.

The Washington Post recently reported that the lies he has told in office now number more than 3,000.

But it’s his lies about Russia that really ring a bell. Trump and his White House surrogates began by claiming that the Trump campaign never met with any Russians and had nothing to do with Russia. Revelation after revelation about contacts between Trump people and Russians followed. Then they claimed they had met with only a few Russians. More revelations about more Russians. Then they claimed they had not met with any Russians “about the campaign.” The Trump Tower meeting was revealed. Meets between George Papadopoulos and Russians in London came to light. Trump suddenly started claiming that there was “no collusion.” Evidence of collusion emerged. Then Trump began claiming that even if there was collusion, it was not illegal. Indictments came down. Now Rudy Giuliani is out there telling the world that even if Trump did something wrong, he can’t be indicted as a sitting president.

Wow. Watching Trump revisions on the Russia story is like watching a Slinky descend a staircase, flipping over and over and over and over.

But every set of stairs has a bottom and in Trump’s case, it’s the law. His lies and dissembling about Stormy Daniels came up against the law this week when he had to file his financial disclosure form. Lying or omitting information on a federal form is a felony, which is why Trump was forced to include the repayment of his debt to Michael Cohen which covered the $130,000 that had been paid out to silence Stormy Daniels in October of 2016. He lied about her and he lied about that payment until he came up against the law and then he was forced to tell the truth.

He has reached the ground floor with Russia and everything else. You can lie at rallies, you can lie to the media, you can lie to voters, but lies don’t work when they come up against laws. That’s where Trump finds himself today. He’s a lying, thieving traitor who conspired with a hostile nation to steal the presidential election of 2016 and he got caught. Not even his bone spurs will get him a deferment this time. He’s going to be drafted for the farm team at Leavenworth. He’s going down.

Lucian K. Truscott IV

Lucian K. Truscott IV, a graduate of West Point, has had a 50-year career as a journalist, novelist and screenwriter. He has covered stories such as Watergate, the Stonewall riots and wars in Lebanon, Iraq and Afghanistan. He is also the author of five bestselling novels and several unsuccessful motion pictures. He has three children, lives on the East End of Long Island and spends his time Worrying About the State of Our Nation and madly scribbling in a so-far fruitless attempt to Make Things Better. He can be followed on Facebook at The Rabbit Hole and on Twitter @LucianKTruscott.

Rudy’s On A Train To Nowhere

Former New York city Mayor Rudy Giuliani was brought aboard the sinking ship of state this week and immediately made his presence felt in a big way, which was to be expected, I suppose, given the over-inflated ego possessed by the former Mayor. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, you have not been paying attention. To help facilitate your understanding here are only a few headlines:

Is Rudy Giuliani Losing His Mind?

Even in New York, ‘America’s Mayor’ was always a lot more like Trump than people realized. Now we’re seeing it on a national stage.

By KEVIN BAKER September 04, 2016

Rudy Giuliani, America’s mayor, has jumped the shark

By James A. Gagliano Fri May 4, 2018

Rudy Giuliani has hit rock bottom

By Max Boot May 4, 2018

Why was Rudy brought aboard the train to nowhere? In order to understand, or at least make an attempt at understanding, let us turn to pages 86-87 of the best selling book by Michael Wolff, FIRE and FURY:

“Trump owed Giuliani; not that he was so terribly focused on his debts, but this was one that was certainly unpaid. Not only was Giuliani a longtime New York friend, but when few Republicans were offering Trump their support, and almost none with a national reputation, Giuliani was there for him-and in combative, fiery, and relentless fashion. This was particularly true during the hard days following Billy Bush; when virtually everybody, including the candidate himself, Bannon, Conway, and his children, believed the campaign would implode, Giuliani barely allowed himself a break from his nonstop, passionate, and unapologetic Trump defense.

Giuliani wanted to be the secretary of state, and Trump had in so many words offered him the job. The resistance to Giuliani from the Trump circle derived from the same reason Trump was inclined to give him the job- Giuliani had Trump’s ear and wouldn’t let go. The staff whispered about his health and stability. Even his full-on pussygate defense now started to seem like a liability. He was offered attorney general, Department of Homeland Security, and director of national intelligence, but he turned them all down, continuing to hold out for State. Or, in what staffers took to be the ultimate presumption, or grand triangulation, the Supreme Court. Since Trump could not put someone openly pro-choice on the court without both sundering his base and risking defeat of his nominee, then, of course, he’s have to give Giuliani State.

When this strategy failed-Rex Tillerson got the secretary of state job-that should have been the end of it, but Trump kept returning to the idea of putting Guiliani on the court. On Feburary 8, during the confirmation process, Gorsuch took public exception to Trump’s disparagement of the courts. Trump, in a moment of pique, decided to pull his nomination and, during conversations with his after-dinner callers, went back to discussing how he should have given the nod to Rudy. He was the only loyal guy. It was Bannon and Priebus who kept having to remind him, and to endlessly repeat, that in one of the campaign’s few masterful pieces of issue-defusing politics, and perfect courtship of the conservative base, it had let the Federalist Society produce a list of candidates. The campaign had promised that the nominee would come from that list-and needless to say, Giuliani wasn’t on it.

Gorsuch was it. And Trump would shortly not remember when he had ever wanted anyone but Gorsuch.”

In his first week on the job, Rudy has been a train wreck. In other words, Rudy has fit right in while taking his seat on the train to nowhere.

Everything Is Broken

The resignation of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson answers questions during the daily briefing at the White House in Washington, DC, U.S. November 20, 2017. REUTERS/Carlos Barria

has stunned We The People of the dis United States of America. There were reports of Mr. Tillerson being “sick” before leaving Africa. NBC’s Andrea Mitchell said, on the Rachel Maddow show ( the Secretary of State was “ebullient” until receiving the tweet he had been fired. Could it be the Trump tweet sickened Rex?

Before being nominated for the job of Secretary of State Rex was not even on the radar. It appeared the choice was between Mitt “47%; 48; 49%” Romney (

and Rudy Giuliani


The choice of Tillerson flummoxed everyone, until reports surfaced of Russian President Putin informing the Trumpsters he would be displeased with Romney because he was not friendly enough for Russiaian liking. Vlad preferred someone the Russians liked, and could “work with.” That someone was Rex Tillerson, who had received the Russian Order of Friendship Prize from Putin in 2013.


Back in the day receiving such an award would be tantamount to treason. Those were the “Red Scare” days of “McCarthyism,” when Republicans said they would rather be dead than Red. The Republicans motto has now become, “Rather Red than dead.” We The People now have an administration of Russian loving traitors. The list of Republicans in bed with the Reds grows longer by the day. Carter Page, who proves every time he opens his mouth that it is possible for stupid people to earn a PhD, was the first Foreign Policy advisor the Trumpster mentioned, and Trump campaign head Paul Manafort, who has gone from one ankle bracelet to one on each leg to house arrest, head the long list. Space does not allow all the other names involved in this nefariously sordid saga…Evidently there are huge amounts of money to be earned when selling out your country. Now there is a major political party on the take, the REDplblicans.

Now our country’s relationship with Russia now looks like this:

Rex Tillerson, who eschewed hundreds of millions of dollars to fight the cyber attack of the Russians while heading the Department of State, recently grew some cojones and spoke honestly about what Putin’s minions have done, and continue to do while sticking it to We The People. “Tensions boiled over in October, when NBC claimed that Tillerson had previously referred to Trump as a “fucking moron.” (

Was Rex Tillerson canned for pointing the finger at Russia?

By Suzanne Monyak 2 days ago

“The night before Tillerson’s unceremonious ousting via Twitter, the then–secretary of state told reporters that the nerve agent attack against a former Russian spy and his daughter in a British bar “clearly came from Russia.” That was not the White House’s position, exactly. “If we get the facts straight we will condemn Russia, or whoever it might be,” Donald Trump said.

Were Tillerson’s comments on the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal the last straw for Trump? A State Department spokesperson said in a statement Tuesday morning that Tillerson is “unaware of the reason” behind his firing, while Trump added that he and the former ExxonMobil executive “were not really thinking the same.”

Did Trump fire Tillerson because he was too anti-Russia?

by Aaron Blake March 13

“About 13 hours before he was fired as secretary of state, Rex Tillerson issued perhaps his toughest comments to date on Russia. He said that a nerve agent used on a former Russian spy in Britain last week “clearly came from Russia.” He also called Russia “an irresponsible force of instability in the world, acting with open disregard for the sovereignty of other states and the life of their citizens.”

It was perhaps his last major act as secretary of state. But was it the reason for his dismissal — or even a last straw?

The White House is insisting the decision to fire Tillerson had been made before his comments Monday evening — that he was informed of the decision in the early-morning hours Saturday, before returning from a trip to Africa. But a statement from a top State Department spokesman Tuesday indicated Tillerson had no advance warning of his termination beyond a heads-up that Trump would tweet something. (The spokesman, Steve Goldstein, has been fired for contradicting the White House.)”

What minuscule percentage of We The People believe anything coming from the White House these daze?

Rex Tillerson Leaves With A Shattered Reputation And A Broken Department

By Jesselyn Cook 03/13/2018 01:10 pm ET

How much more can We The People take?

Everything Is Broken
Written by: Bob Dylan

Broken lines, broken strings

Broken threads, broken springs

Broken idols, broken heads

People sleeping in broken beds

Ain’t no use jiving

Ain’t no use joking

Everything is broken

Broken bottles, broken plates

Broken switches, broken gates

Broken dishes, broken parts

Streets are filled with broken hearts

Broken words never meant to be spoken

Everything is broken

Seem like every time you stop and turn around

Something else just hit the ground

Broken cutters, broken saws

Broken buckles, broken laws

Broken bodies, broken bones

Broken voices on broken phones

Take a deep breath, feel like you’re chokin’

Everything is broken

Every time you leave and go off someplace

Things fall to pieces in my face

Broken hands on broken ploughs

Broken treaties, broken vows

Broken pipes, broken tools

People bending broken rules

Hound dog howling, bullfrog croaking

Everything is broken

Copyright © 1989 by Special Rider Music

Everything Is Broken