Atlanta May the 4th Go Tournament

Atlanta May the 4th Tournament
Saturday, May 4, 2024, 10:00 AM until 5:00 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) (UTC-05:00)
Wei’s Gong Fu Tea House
1385 English St NW
Atlanta, GA 30318
Event Contact(s):
Christopher Haverly
Registration is required
Registration cancellations will be accepted
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Event Details

Approximately 10am to 5pm, May 4th, 2024
Note: Check-in closes at 10:30am, if you miss check-in you will not play the 1st round!

Wei’s Gong Fu Tea House
1385 English St NW, Atlanta, GA 30318

Deli lunch will be provided on site, since the tournament overlaps lunch hours!

Entry fee is $20 per person to cover venue, food, and prizes.

If you are not an AGA member, there will be an additional $10 tournament fee. If you would like a $15 annual membership instead, let me know and I’ll send the promotional offer.

Time Control
Byo Yomi: 30 minutes main time + 5 x 30 second periods

Play Go for Ukraine!

Support the European Go Journal: As reported previously, European Go Journal editor Artem Kachanovskyi,

Artem Kachanovskyi (

a resident of Kyiv, has posted movingly on Facebook about how the Russian war on Ukraine has affected the go community and his own life and work as EGJ editor. When the war started, Kachanovskyi had to leave Kyiv and was forced to stop printing and distributing physical copies of the journal. He plans to continue producing the journal and distribute it digitally as a PDF until he is able to distribute hardcopies again. He takes subscriptions through Patreon and has about 235 subscribers right now. It’s $6.50 a month for a personal subscription to the monthly PDF version of the journal, and he offers a $3.50 per-person club subscription to groups participating in a Go club.
– Spencer Rank