Stan Halstead Cheated Caïssa

A few daze ago the idea was to write a post concerning the latest cheating scandal after reading an article at As often happens, life intervened, and new comments kept appearing at the website (, so writing was delayed.

After resting and making the second cuppa Joe of the day I returned to to read the newest comments where this was found:


Here are the 7 members of this committee:

There is a “Hater” – you cannot make it up.

After clicking onto the above url this was found:

Hater, David (

The USCF website shows David to be from Georgia. Although I know David I do not know him well enough to know where he was born, but do know he currently resides in the Great State of Georgia, as does this writer. I have not forgotten the time many years ago when I asked David Hater, the director of the Emory Castle Chess Tournament, if I could post flyers concerning this blog, which was just beginning, and was given permission to do so. The man who was President of the Georgia Chess Association Board at the time, Fun Fong, did not want the flyers allowed. Years ago Fun Fong renounced Chess, ( later changing his mind and obtaining a spot on the USCF Executive Board. After losing an election and leaving the board Fun Fong returned to the GCA Board and is currently again the POTGCA Board because no one else wanted the position.

From the above you can understand my trepidation about writing anything that could be perceived as negative about David Hater, a former Colonel in the US Army, who admirably served his country. Nevertheless this writer must write truthfully or lose credibility.

There were problems at the most recent Georgia Chess Championship which was directed by Colonel Hater. I do not know all the details but do know that after the tournament ended there were myriad problems with the distribution of prizes to the prize winners. From what I have gleaned initially everyone due a prize was in a good mood while awaiting the distribution of the prize checks. Things changed after about an hour of waiting. Voices were raised as was the blood pressure of those tired of waiting. Tempers flared and at least one person snapped. There was a shouting match between the snapper and the Director. By that time everyone left waiting was disgruntled and there were no happy campers to be found. There have been reports of some kind of authorities in uniform to quell the situation. There have been reports of some players obtaining more prize money than they should have received. It is a BIG and ongoing MESS, which is about par for the GCA.

From the comments left to the article the director(s) have unfortunately come out smelling like excrement.

Forgelord648 What was the arbiter doing that hole time?


Horrible that these tournament directors can’t even pay heed to cheating complaints. If they don’t perform this basic duty, are they there to film the tournament? A bunch of careless people…

Obviously this is not good for the game of Chess as it is yet another nail in the Chess coffin.


Shows how rampant the cheating is now…they do it so openly and brazenly, don’t even bother to go to the bathroom

It’s rampant on this site too, and seems to be increasing…I’m playing too many people these days who are playing far too perfectly and accurately, for their rating and performance history…and I believe only a small fraction of them are getting caught by sniffers

The Continental Chess Association has been rocked by several punches to the head.

chika-lily of course continental chess association declined to comment… 😂😂😂


Novaraga wrote:

How does one you a phone in the hall without being caught, honestly, shouldn’t his opponent have noticed him looking down too often and checked

I agree with you it’s odd that he wasn’t caught earlier by one of his opponents, but ultimately, it is not the players’ responsibility to ensure their opponents aren’t cheating. It is the responsibility of the tournament organizers and arbiters.


Stan Halstead is the name of the cheater, he’s a graduate student in the mathematics department at Michigan State University. I don’t know why his name isn’t being included in this article or any of the discussion on this topic. He cheated and stole thousands of dollars in prize money and it doesn’t seem like he’s facing any severe consequences other than a temporary ban from playing in USCF events. When you google his name I think the first thing that should come up is stories about how he got caught cheating at chess and stealing prize funds.

Stan Halstead